Letra cancion Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby - The Beatles


Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby - The Beatles

Banda: The Beatles

John Lennon / Paul McCartney

Beatles for Sale

Año: 1964

Canción: Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby

Letra de la Canción:
Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby

Well they took some honey from a tree
Dressed it up and they called it me

Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby, now

Well half past nine, half past four
fifty women knocking on my door

Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby, now

Went out last night, I didn't stay late
'fore I got home I had nineteen dates

Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby, now

Went out last night, I didn't stay late
'fore I got home I had nineteen dates

Well they took some honey from a tree
Dressed it up and they called it me

Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby
Everybody's trying to be my baby, now

Puedes ver el video en
YouTube: Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby

The Beatles Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby letra

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